Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Give Me a Hand. . . Model

Last week I received the ring blanks I ordered from Judaju and have been having fun making fun rings with them. I buy lots of buckets-o-buttons because I love working with that random assortment, and sometimes I get a button that is so cool, I think it should be a ring. Above are a few of the rings I made by layering flower shaped buttons (except for that jacquard green one); I like wearing them!

Its a good thing I'm not going to sell them, because I realized I don't really have a photogenic hand. I see my hands every day and I'm totally fine with them, but the second I imagine them modeling rings, I find lots of faults! They're too red, too dry, the cat scratched me, where's the emery board? I think I would have to buy a plastic hand to model them. How many people have perfect hands?


The Great Ethan Allen said...

Wow! Great rings! Even though I probably won't wear them. They still are pretty cool to admire! Great job!

cabin + cub said...

those are so cute!